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Money Meets Medicine with Dr Jimmy Turner

May 27, 2020

If you want to reach financial freedom, quicker, better, smarter, then join Jimmy's course, Medical Degree to Financially Free. It's a 5-week curriculum (not too drab) created for doctors who want support in becoming financially free. 

Get looped in here:

May 20, 2020

The key differences in pre-tax or Roth accounts for doctors aren't what you would normally hear. Ryan and I talk about what's important for you to know.

Need an expert in physician home loans? Doug Crouse is one of our go to guys. Find him at

May 13, 2020

May 6, 2020

Have you ever thought about buying a home?  If you don’t know the difference between a physician home loan, conventional loan, PMI, or what any of this mortgage jargon means and why it matters… listen to this.

Purchasing a home is one of the largest financial decisions your family makes. That’s why we have someone...